Art's Cameras Plus

Prints from Film

Prints from Film

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Prints from Film

We can scan and print from any film source. All of our prints are on archival quality lustre photo paper. For a little bit extra, save your film scans to digital media for easier sharing and ordering reprints in the future.

Prints from 35mm film (mounted slides or strips of negatives/positives)

Print Size 1st Print Additional Prints
2 Wallets $2.49 $1.49
3½x5 $1.39 $0.39
4x6 $1.39 $0.39
4x12 $2.49 $1.49
5x7 $3.99 $2.99
6x8 $4.99 $3.99
8x10 $5.99 $4.99
8x12 $6.99 $5.99

Prints from other film types

Print Size 1+ Qty 25+ Qty
2 Wallets $4.49 $1.49
3½x5 $3.39 $0.39
4x4 $3.39 $0.39
4x6 $3.39 $0.39
4x12 $4.49 $1.49
5x5 $5.99 $2.99
5x7 $5.99 $2.99
6x6 $6.99 $3.99
6x8 $6.99 $3.99
8x8 $7.99 $4.99
8x10 $7.99 $4.99
8x12 $8.99 $5.99

Save film scans to CD for $4

Save film scans to USB Flash Drive for $10

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