Art's Cameras Plus

Print Scanning Large Image Capture

Print Scanning & Large Image Capture

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Print Scanning & Large Image Capture

Standard Print Scans

Suitable is suitable for duplicating an 8x10 or smaller photo up to 2x its original size. Prints are scanned at 600dpi. Standard print scans are $3 each.

Hi-Res Print Scans

Ideal for archiving and creating larger reproductions from 8x10 or smaller prints. Prints are scanned at 1800dpi and digitally cleaned up. Hi-Res print scans are $9 each.

Large Print Image Capture

For prints larger than 8x10 size, but smaller than 16x20, an digital image capture copy shot is necessary. A 30-37MP image is captured to create a 13-29MB JPEG file. For prints larger than 16x20, or collages containing small details such as text, multiple image captures may need to be taken, then digitally stitched together - an Art's lab associate will consult with you about the best image capture solution and project estimate. Image captures are $30 each.

Digital Media Options

  • Print scans of any type are saved to either a Picture CD or uploaded to the Cloud and emailed to you (your choice)
  • Optionally, film scans can be saved to a USB Flash Drive for an additional $10
  • $5 minimum order amount for any scanning service

We respect Copyrights!

There are laws that protect copyrights. It is usually illegal to copy or digitally reproduce photographs taken by others. Check with on Art’s associate for help in getting permission.

Do you have a large digital archiving project?

Do you have shoeboxes or albums filled with prints you'd like to digitize? Then you may be interested in our economical Memory Box Kit service.

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