Art's Cameras Plus

Canvas Wraps

Gallery Wrapped Canvas Prints

Gallery Wrapped Canvas

We print your image on high quality, water-resistant poly-cotton blend canvas, then wrap the canvas around a wooden stretcher frame. The printed canvas wraps around the edges of the stretcher adding dimension, so there’s no need for a frame. Service time is about 7-14 business days.

Gallery Wrapped Canvas Prints are available in a variety of square or rectangle sizes from 8x8 to 24x36. Edges can be black, white, or mirrored from the image.

Size Cost
8x8 $39.99
8x10 $44.99
8x12 $49.99
8x24 $69.99
11x14 $59.99
12x12 64.99
12x18 69.99
16x20 89.99
16x24 99.99
18x18 77.99
18x24 129.99
20x20 109.99
20x24 129.99
20x30 149.99
24x36 199.99
30x40 249.99
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